Data protection statement

The following document includes information about the data handling measures and policy regarding the Peter’s View Newsletter (henceforth: the newsletter) that Visitors can subscribe to on the website. Subscription to the newsletter is voluntary and Subscribers can unsubscribe at any time by clicking on the link at the end of each newsletter. By subscribing, Visitors agree that they would like to receive the newsletter regularly by email, and give their consent to handling their personal data accordingly.

The data handler:

Fodor Péter
3700 Kazincbarcika, Erdész u. 14., Hungary
Data handling registration number issued by the Hungarian National Authority for Data Protection and Freedom of Information (NAIH): NAIH-108248/2016.

The data handler is the same person (author) that created the images displayed in the website’s galleries.

Legal basis for handling Subscribers’ data:

consent of the Subscriber (subscription to the newsletter) and par. 6 of Act XLVIII of 2008 on the essential conditions and certain limitations of business advertising activity (Grt.).
The website’s data handling and protection policy is in accordance with relevant Hungarian Law Acts, namely the following:
Act CVIII of 2001 on certain issues of electronic commerce activities and information society services (Eker. tv.)
Act XLVIII of 2008 on the essential conditions and certain limitations of business advertising activity (Grt.)
ACT CXII of 2011 on informational self-determination and freedom of information (Info. tv.)

Duration of data handling:

Two years from the last opening of a newsletter, or until unsubscribing or receiving a request for deleting personal data from the database.

The range of data handled:

After receiving a subscription: the following data are collected: name, email address, date of subscription, IP address used when subscribing, time of confirming the subscription, IP address used at the time of confirmation, opening of newsletter, clicking on the links included in the newsletter.

The purpose of data handling:

identification of Subscribers and sending newsletters regularly to them. By receiving the newsletter, you will be informed about fresh content uploaded to the website, further, the author wishes to share his thoughts with you on particular artworks or their theme/subject. Newsletters may contain promotions, offers and marketing messages regarding the author’s work.

Usage and sharing of Subscribers’ data:

Subscribers’ data will only be used for the purpose described above, and may only be shared with technical personnel involved in the management of the website.

Users’ rights:

Users (Subscribers) can request information on handling their data. They can also request correcting or deleting their data, by contacting the data handler (available at the addresses above). In certain cases described by Hungarian Law, users can protest against handling their personal data.

Legal remedy:

In case of a complaint or issue that cannot be resolved by the data handler, Subscribers can contact the Hungarian National Authority for Data Protection and Freedom of Information (NAIH), website: